Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Fitness Challenge Day 2 - Steps & Squats

Hey everyone!

Well, this morning didn't go quite as planned, but at least I got my steps and some squats in. Mark had his My Gym class today. My Gym is basically a "mama and me" gym for preschool and younger aged kids to throw their bodies around aimlessly, with the added bonus of crashing in the car on the way home. However, today was very different...while Mark was very involved with all the songs and dancing (and he usually isn't), I was also gifted the added bonus of experiencing yet another toddler meltdown. Again and again. Oy. *insert raised eyebrow*

A friend of mine decided to sell her daughter's ball net today, so I went and picked that up for a mere $30 when they usually run about $70. So now, I will be setting up a baseball practice area in the backyard for Mark, as soon as this horrible weather passes and the humidity cools down a bit. While I'm out there, I might as well donate any toys he's outgrown to my Loving Hearts donation group on Facebook.

Besides Mark constantly making me chase and snatch him up this morning, most of the physical activity for the day was gone. Unless you count cleaning out toys and laundry; I don't. As we have a hurricane possibly heading our way, we've been having rain on and off. It's Sunday, a day dedicated to relaxing mostly.

Today's challenge... take some time for yourself. Take a nice warm bath with your favorite bath bomb, grab some wine while you're at it. Light some candles and save yourself some money on the power bill.

Go to Day 3!

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