Friday, August 26, 2016

Day 52 - Mama and Me Day!

Today was a Mama and Mark kind of day. It was a slower day than most, so I took him to the mall to goof around for a few hours. He spent 30 minutes in the mall's playground, burning off some of that built up toddler energy. If I could get some of that energy in a jar and save if for a rainy day for myself, that would be amazing. Whoever figures that one out, please let me know!

After the playground and some strolling around the mall, we ended up at Build-A-Bear in search of Mark's new buddy to add to his collection. Collection? He only has one other toy from there and he got it last year from our trip to Texas - he wanted Stitch, but they don't have that option, so he ended up with Olaf that trip. This trip, today, his new buddy to go on crime sprees with is a minion. After picking out his minion, having him stuffed and picking out a heart and voice for him, Mark noticed that they also make stuffed cars for all the characters. Haha. I about lost it when he took it upon himself to remove two cars from the shelves and climb in them. I think he figured since they were small, they had to be built for him too. He politely put them both away in the same spot he received them from after I asked the first time. No meltdowns in the mall was nice for a change. I even asked him if he was feeling like himself when we got back out the car.

Later on this evening, after I had a meeting via Zoom and Facebook, I decided it was time to light the torch in my belly and start planning some parties for the month of September! I like parties! A lot of people like parties! And it's been a long time since I've had a party at the house. So, I cracked open my business planner and got to work.

I even got a little side tracked in search of article topics for September. I stumped upon an article about making your own challenge list. I thought, "huh?" I can do that! While my mind was already in the process of planning parties for the next few weeks and with that comes a list of what needs to be cleaned before then... I ended up with a 30 DAy Challenge for September for everyone. More on that in a few days.

Goodnight everyone

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