Saturday, August 20, 2016

Day 43, 44, 45 & 46 - Jobs, Weekend Plans & Girl's Nights Out!

Jobs... employment agency's and I apparently don't mix well right now... click here to see why.

Weekend Plans... what do you have planned?

Mark and I will be attending his uniform fitting on Saturday. I think I am more excited than he is, but it's exciting.

Beside being in band in high school, where uniform fitting consisted of putting on a wool uniform that covered everything from your neck to your ankles in Florida... ya... it got hot fast. Then there were those shoes they called "Dinkles" (black flat shoes with laces). And, also in high school, weight lifting uniform's consisted of a T-shirt and shorts.

Girl's Nights Out! Yes, that's plural!

Thursday night, I ended up at a girl friend's house for drinks (a lot) and cards. We usually play some Gin with some much needed girl talk. Her cousin and her aunt were here last time, but this time her parents came down with her cousin. It was hilarious to see some of the reactions she had from things her parents said...*priceless* moments that I am glad I was present for. While I did get some of those reactions on video, because I'm a good friend, I won't be posting those on here. I can totally see where she gets her sense of humor from... yes, she's reading this...and you know who you are...and you know I'm right!

Friday, I had to make a quick run to the store for milk, as I probably only had 1/2 cup left and there was no one way that was going to last the weekend (especially not with my dairy allowance weekends). Mark was soooo well behaved in the store: greeting everyone, asking nicely for his cookie, thanking the lady for his cookie, thanking mama for his cookie, asked if we could buy "patties" (york peppermint patties), said hello to the cashier and bagger like they were close friends of his... it was hilarious for me watch. So, his reward was a green balloon from the cashier. She said she's never seen a toddler so well behaved. I could have sworn he was up to something...but he was just his polite little self.

Friday night, girl's night #2. I was hoping for more friends to come out, as we planned to do paint night with wine and dinner. Three friends bailed, but for real reasons, not because they didn't want to. So, one girl friend of mine and I went. Played with some paint and I realized I am horrible at blending paint colors. But, it could have been the wine too... While it was just the two gals out on the town...okay, not really... but we had a lot of catching up to do.

Saturday... weekend plans have begun! 

Coach is showing him how to grip the bat.
Mark's uniform fittings were today. It was so cute to see him in the uniform, hat, cleats and holding his bat and wearing his glove. Obviously, not all at the same time. But, he really hit it off (no pun) with his coach. It was refreshing to see him not get super shy. But, the guy has kids, so I don't have to tell him what do with Mark. It's a natural thing.

So...the coach's first impression of Mark was... refreshing/shocking all rolled into one. Mark is on the big side, but also very aware of what's going on. He knows exactly how to pick up and hold the bat, as well as put the ball on the tee and hit the ball with the right side of the bat. He said most kids at two years old are afraid to even touch the bat, let alone use it to hit the ball. He knows how to use his arms and shoulders to get swinging power to the ball. He worked with him a bit to see if he was a righy or a lefty. He's definitely a righty. He'll definitely need to work on the catching and throwing part, but the coach is positive that he may be a "natural" at this game. 

Now, how does Mark know how to do all this already? A friend of mine gave me a t-ball stand, bat and 2 balls last year, a little after he turned 1. Since then, I've been taking him outside and showing him how to hold the bat, that the ball needs to always go back on the tee if he wants to hit it and that we only use bat's and balls outside (not indoors). For a toddler, that's really hard to teach. I don't even let him play with bouncy balls inside anymore. He did when he was crawling and learning to walk, but they were age appropriate games and toys. Now, he knows how to throw a ball hard enough to break something.

Another thing that the coach mentioned, was that if he really progresses over the years and they see that he's "play wise" more advanced than his age range, they will bump him to play with the bigger kids. They won't be able to do that for a few years, because they need to teach him the basics first, and well, they need to teach me baseball too. I know very little about the game, so I'd like to be aware of what is going on...when he's playing the game. So, keep your fingers crossed.

Was it my decision to put him straight into baseball? Yes and no. I know that putting a kid into sports will give them something to focus on and not feel like an outsider, especially when they start school. They have a sense of belonging to something. I know, because I was in sports in high school. Being on a team = self discipline. Not for everyone, but 99% of the time it does. And, when I pulled up the website for the sign ups, he knows the difference between soccer and baseball and told me which he wanted. Same as when we were picking out his cleats today... they had green and black or solid black and he told the coach which one's he wanted. He went with solid black...I would sure he was going to pick green/black.

I like giving him options. Kinda makes it feel like I'm dealing with a little man, instead of a toddler all the time. Before we go completely off topic, I just want to add this - I discuss things with Mark as if he were a little person. I provide him with options on almost everything. If we're in a rush or it's a topic I can't give him options, I just choose and we go about our day. I've been thanked in public by multiple mom's and grandmother's for talking to him like a person and not yelling at him for bad behavior. When we're alone in public, he's a totally different person than he is when my sister or mom is with us. He will act more like a baby/toddler with full on tantrums with family around, but when it's just him and mama.... it's time to learn and be serious...well, as serious as we could get.

Day here.

Anyway... long day tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!

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