Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Today Was ____ (Insert Word Here) ____!

Today was beyond ____ (insert word here) ___ (annoying, horrible, heart-breaking, unfair all rolled into a ball).

I don't want to go back too far, afraid I may throw you off and this become a dramatic skit. However, after several months of being threatened by my ex's wife (that's another story it itself), I filed an injunction against her for the safety of my son, as well as my own. But, he's my main concern. The hearing took place today and based on what I knew about repeat violence and the stalking law in Florida, what I listed on the injunction was a very broad series of events over the course of 10 months for a law that is extremely narrow. Unless you've spent time in law school or deeply studied law enforcement, it is very hard to explain. However, the hearing was to the point that I didn't have enough evidence and since my son and I have not actually received any physical harm (YET), the case was dismissed. Yes, you read that right - she can continue to threaten the both of us and nothing can be done.

So, while I move on with my life with my son, I continue to be in fear for his safety. What does his sperm donor think of all this? He was there supporting his wife 100%. He is totally supportive of his wife threatening our son's life. What a MAN!

See... I'm human too. I'm not perfect; I have hurdles that I have to run over with a crane. It takes time (unfortunately).

Good night


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