Monday, August 1, 2016

Day 28 - Bad Monkey, Lunch & Day 1 of It Works Challenge!

Day 28 of my Paleo/It Works Lifestyle & Day 1 of my 31 Day It Works Challenge

Monday... the best day of the week... not. Who else agrees? I want my weekend back!

Since Mark and I were both sick last week, we missed an entire week of fun in the sun. So, this week we wanted to make up for it. But, everything we tried, kept knocking us back down. Bummer.

We missed my gym (aka "monkey gym") last week. Mark was bummed, because he missed the chance to climb something. I was bummed, because it was a "child energy drainer" that he was going to miss. Yes, something that burns his energy off faster, so I can sleep better at night. Even if we were sick or not.

Why hate monday though? Well, when you and your toddler have been talking about going to monkey gym, constantly since you woke up... only to find out that they canceled classes this week... you start to hate the entire day. To a parent, this is no big deal. To a toddler, this is their entire world. To a stay at home mama of a toddler who wants to climb and swing on everything, this is a BIG deal.

He was sooooo psyched about going. Then BOOM... the hopes of getting a good nights sleep tonight went out the window. Thanks monkey gym!

Strike One!
Ensue the biggest fit he could give me after walking in and finding out that we needed to leave. How did I break this to him? I told him that monkey went down for a nap and that we would come back later. How did he handle it? Well, I've never seen him roll his eyes to the back of his head before, but he also didn't look at me (which is something he does when he's in trouble). He wasn't in trouble, but he definitely wasn't happy.

He wasn't heartbroken for long. As soon as he spotted a stop sign outside, monkey gym became a thing of the past! I could hug that stop sign.

Strike Two!
I ended up taking Mark out for lunch, in hopes to use our Chili's gift cards I received from our last visit when our meals went downhill. Of course, as we're finished and I'm swiping and leaving a tip, do I remember anything about the gift cards. Seriously?! They were in the very next pocket of where my debit card was... on purpose, so I wouldn't forget about them.

Mark didn't stay awake for long after lunch, but I knew he wasn't going to sleep for long either (since he didn't get to burn off more energy than normal). I had a limited amount of time to get home, give my sister and dad their meals, put Mark down in a different room (mainly so I could make some noise and not wake him), and get some It Works! work done.

Strike Three!
What kind of work did I do today? Well, yesterday a teammate of mine linked me to a 31 Day Challenge to improve my self confidence in front of the camera and going "LIVE" on Facebook. I was beyond nervous, for something that only needed to be a minute long. I did almost four minutes and I rambled a majority of the time. I actually made myself a 4x6 index card with notes so I wouldn't go off topic. I even messed up my own URL for this blog. Go me! I desperately need to stop saying "...and..."

Monday is definitely not our day this week!

I will be sharing my Challenge video's on the On Your Mark Facebook page, which you can see here. Not bad for my first try, but you can see that I'm really nervous.

The rest of the day went fairly well. That was until we were set to leave for Monkey Gym, as promised. He took it upon himself to start throwing his trains at the bedroom window. Ya, no fun time for him today. He lost that chance. He sat in time out for a good 10 minutes, then when he finally looked at me, he had a little talk about why throwing trains isn't allowed.

My day in a nutshell. Sort of. But, I'm happy to say that I'm back on my routine. Back to working out regularly, eating healthy foods and back on my supplements!

I gotta get to sleep! Gym in the morning!


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