Monday, July 4, 2016

Our Early 4th of July Family Event!

Hello Everyone,

We celebrated our 4th of July yesterday, so we can use today to just relax, watch tv (which we usually don't do), play board games (while my son is napping) and veg out. 

Yesterday is mine and my son's tradition day. Every year, since he's been born a take a face picture of him to add to the list... basically to see how much he's grown in a year (facially). 

In just two years, he's grown so much... from a baby to a handsome little boy.

So, we went to the park yesterday to play, take some pictures, feed the turtles... after we got there I actually started questing myself as to why I put him in jeans in 103 degree weather. But, not to worry, he wasn't in them for long.

This "Free Little Library" is new to Trotwood Park... and new to me, because I've never heard of it before. Basically, like the bottom of it says, you can take a book (for you and your child to read - they have adult and children's books) and you replace it with a book your going to donate to another child or adult. The same amount of books leaving the box, need to be replaced with the same amount of books when you leave. Watching kids do this, even on a holiday weekend, it's a beautiful site to see.

Now, for the splash pad!

After 20 minutes of this, or when he started to get overheated, I took him to the car and changed him before heading out to Trader Joe's and Publix to pick up some fruit, among other things.

Strawberries, Blueberries & Bananas
It was yummy!

How did you spend your 4th of July?


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